Why study guitar?

The guitar is one of those instruments that straddles on the edge of many genres. From classical, jazz, blues, rock, reggae, and much more, the guitar is one of the most versatile instruments, if not the most versatile. We feel that the guitar is the most musically fluid instrument that is only bound to ones own imagination. It is also a great way learn the basic music fundamentals: pitch, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, tempi, and much more! Often thought of as a folk instrument, the guitar can offer all music lovers a taste of any style of music they could possibly want to dabble in, and do so with ease.

Convenience and accessibility

When it comes to the acquisition of an instrument, the guitar is second only to the kazoo or recorder in terms of pricing. With reasonable prices that can fit anyones budget, we can definitely find a guitar that can fit not only your price range, but also the size of your hands. And you can’t beat the portability and convenience that the guitar has to offer. Symphonic instruments and the piano can seem like a lofty investment that could stop any beginner in their tracks, but the guitar is by far the most accessible out of any instrument we offer at our school, other than voice.

All ages and syles

At Cardenas Music School we have experienced guitar teachers who have experience teaching all ages and styles. Founder and Director, Aaron Cardenas, has taught everything from Classical, Jazz, Rock, Blues, Reggae, Neo soul, Slack Key, and much more! Aaron is a very distinguished guitarist with a proven track record of performing and teaching. Sign up here while he still has availability!

Read more about our guitar teacher and founder, Aaron here

Learn the Guitar

Learn the Guitar