Allegretto by F.Carulli played by Sasha

Honolulu Guitar Lessons

Suzuki Book 2 Song 9

Here is a most excellent performance done by Sasha! Allegretto is the second to last piece in Suzuki Book 2. Although it is not the last piece in the book, Allegretto has proven to be quite a hurdle for most of my students. Sasha showed her persistence and dedication as she slow worked through each measure every week. These are two qualities any teacher could only hope to have within a student.

Why is it so hard?

Here are some of the techniques used in this peice:

  • Scales

  • Argeggios

  • Shifts

  • Slurs

  • Dynamic shifts

  • Color changes

I tried to have Sasha implement all of these as they are written in the book, as well as get her to make musical decisions for herself. I believe letting students make musical decisions outside of whats written give them the confidence and sense of ownership needed to perform.

Want to learn guitar in Honolulu?

Aaron Cardenas at Cardenas Music School has a schedule that is quickly filling up! If you are interested in guitar lesson’s in Honolulu please do not hesitate to reach out. Click here if you’d like a free trial lesson.


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